刀具收納盒 (小)
Size: LENGTH 100mm X WIDTH 230MM X HEIGHT 40mm
適合收納 Suitable For:
MADWORKS複合式刀柄 MADWORKS Multi-function Model’s Handle: MH-01
MADWORKS MH系列塑膠刀柄 MADWORKS MH series plastic handles: MH-16/17/18
XXX複合式刀柄 XXX Multi-function Model’s Handle: XXX-001
MADMAX六角刀柄 MADMAX Hexagon Multi-function Model’s Handle: MADMAX-02
材質資料 Materials:
壓克力/金屬 Acrylic & Metal
Product Descriptions:
讓你的工作桌面煥然一新,整齊明亮好收納! Give your desk a makeover with this neat and smart storage solution!
此款複合式刀具可以收納多款刀具,並結合了說明書架功能。These organizers can store multiple Madworks handles; double as a book stand for your instruction manuals.
平常使用時,系統式收納能避免刀具碰撞,六角孔可放置刀柄蓋。For daily usage, a systematic storage solution can prevent tools and chisels from smashing into each other. Each hexagon hole serves as cap holder for your chisel handle.
不使用時闔上保護蓋,保持美觀整齊。Just cover with the lid when not in use, keeping everything aesthetic and organized.
是一款模型玩家必備的收納兼展示用工具盒。A must-have organizer and showcase for every model builders.
壓克力工具切勿重壓。Do not apply excessive pressure to the acrylic material.
雙邊鎖扣請勿鎖死。Do not cause the latches to jam.
14歲以下孩童需要由家長陪同操作使用。Users under the age of 14 please seek parental guidance.
應放置於安全工作區域內,避免碰撞摔落。Keep in a safe work area and avoid any collision. Do not drop.